Cadet Private
Hold Rank for 2 weeks or more
Obtain 85% on Rank Exam.
JROTC class grade of 85% or higher.
No disciplinary actions within one month.
Wear uniform with pride and consistency.
Have ten or more community service hours.
Be administered a 1,1,1.
Cadet Private First Class
Hold rank of C/PVT E-2 for 4 weeks or more.
Obtain 90% on Rank Exam.
JROTC class grade of 90% of higher.
Recite the first three lines of the Cadet Creed.
Recite the company chain of command.
Recite the 7 Army Values.
No disciplinary actions within two previous months.
Wear uniform with pride and consistency.
Have twenty or more community service hours.
Be administered a 1,1,1.
Cadet Corporal
Hold rank of C/PFC E-3 for 6 weeks or more.
Obtain 100% on rank exam.
JROTC clss grade of 90% or higher.
Recite entire JROTC creed.
Recite entire MHS Battalion chain of command.
Recite the 7 Army Values.
No disciplinary action within three previous months.
Wear uniform with pride and consistency.
Have thirty or more community service hour.
Be administered a 1,1,1.
Cadet Sergeant
Hold rank of C/CPL for 10 weeks or more.
Know all JROTC Ranks for Officers and Enlisted.
JROTC class grade of 90% or higher.
Recite entire JROTC creed.
Recite entire MHS Battalion Chain of Command.
Recite the 7 Army Values.
Participate in one JROTC team or extracurricular activity.
Demonstrate proficiency in leading a squad in unarmed drill.
Demonstrate proficiency in preparing and inspecting a squad.
No disciplinary action actions within four previous months.
Wear uniform with pride and consistency.
Have forty or more community service hours.
Be administered a 1,1,1.
Cadet Staff Sergeant
Hold the rank of C/SGT for five months or more.
Must attend a promotion board to be interviewed and evaluated. These are held once per quarter.
Be administered a 1,1,1.
Cadet Sergeant First Class
Hold the rank of C/SSG for six months.
Attend Promotion Board
Be administered a 1,1,1.